What is a Dual Action Car Polisher and How is it Used?

Dual action car polishers, also known as DA car polishers, are a key ingredient of any car fanatic’s toolkit. Known for providing a fantastic finish when used properly, dual-action car polishers can help pit the shine back into your car. But what exactly is a dual action polisher, and how does it work?

A dual action car polisher is a handheld machine that polishes, buffs and sands your car. It offers an attractive alternative to hand polishing, which can often be tiring and time-consuming. While the hand polishing process often involves applying car polish products before being buffed off, machine polishers utilise the head of the machine to work the polishing product into the paintwork. This can create an even finish across the surface of the car.

Types of dual action polishers

There are two key types of polishers depending on precisely what you need for your car. Those two types are the rotary and the dual action polisher. The rotary polisher is most often used by professionals to polish and restore paintwork, and the head of the machine rotates at a constant speed and removes paint from the surface of your car. While rotary dual action polishers can be very effective, if used incorrectly, they also have the potential to cause serious damage, such as buffer trails, surface burns and hologramming (or micro-marring).

Dual action car polishers, on the other hand, are often smaller, lighter and are easier to maneuver. Rather than rotating, the head oscillates back and forth. This mimics the motion of hand polishing, however, it does so at a much faster rate. This movement stops heat generating between the polishing pad and paintwork, which mitigates some of the risks of polishing your car and helps provide a smoother finish.

Tips for using a dual action polisher

If you do have a go at using a dual action polisher yourself, then there are a few things to consider in order to get the best finish possible for the body of your car. No matter the brand of car DA polisher you have, whether a Vertool, Shinemate, Halfords, or something entirely different, here are some tips to help you get the most out of your machine:

  • Ensure you have got the correct technique by doing a test spot first and moving onto the rest of the car – ensuring you have the right technique upfront will make polishing the rest of your car much easier
  • Use the right pad, polish and speed combination for the paint’s condition – this will ensure that the polisher is suited to work on the surface of your car
  • Always begin with the softest polish, and work up if necessary
  • Keep your speed and pressure consistent, even though you might want to rush to get it finished – this will ensure a consistent finish on your car
  • Work in small areas around three by three inches so that you can easily keep track of where you are and avoid polishing the same area twice
  • Don’t lift your pad off the paint when the machine is still running as this could cause scuffs in the polish
  • Make sure you have good lighting as this will make polishing your car a lot easier!
  • Keep your pads away from your car’s trim and any sharp edges in order to help protect them from getting damaged

When might I need a professional car polish?

Where dual action polishers are relatively easy to use, there are occasions where they aren’t necessarily the best option for you or your car, and it may be worth considering a professional car polish. Below are a few of the reasons you may have for considering a professional service over polishing your car yourself.

You have deep scratches on your car

While car polishers like the dual action car polisher can be great for removing light marks, they won’t necessarily be able to remove deep scratches, meaning that if you have scratches on your car it is best to get a professional on board.

As a rule of thumb, running your finger over the scratch can help determine whether you need to call a professional car body repair specialist like ChipsAway. Run your finger over the scratch – if it catches, even very slightly, it is likely that you won’t be able to remove it yourself and will need to call a professional in order to repair it. A dual action car polisher won’t help.

You are worried about your skill level

If you are worried about using a car polisher to remove imperfections from your car, or worried that you may do more harm than good, then it may be worth considering the help of a professional to aid with putting that shine back into the surface. That way you can have peace of mind that you will get a great finish.

It can be a false economy to buy a dual action polisher if you don’t know how to use it confidently and end up causing more harm than good. When it comes to car polishing, there has never been a phrase so true as “if in doubt, leave it out”!

The great news is that, whilst having your car professionally repaired might seem more expensive than having a go yourself, that’s not necessarily the case.

You’re looking for long-lasting protection

Although there are lots of effective car polishing products on the market, professional products that are expertly applied do tend to last for a longer period of time, and that means your car will stay looking fresh for longer. This means that having your car worked on by a professional is a long-term investment which means it will be protected for months to come, without you having to worry.

When the dual action polisher just isn’t enough

There are times when a dual action polisher can leave your car looking as good as new – but there will be times when you might be better off finding a professional to polish your car for you.

Supagard paint protector offers a high-quality finish, protecting the exterior of a car from everything from ultraviolet rays, to excess road salt, and even acid rain. To find out more about it, and to find out if this service is offered by your local specialist, click here.

Profession Supagard Application and Car Scratch Repair

If your car is scratched, or if you want professional car paint protection applied to your car, then at ChipsAway, we are here to help. Our professionals are spread throughout the country can help you remove any scratches and put the polish back into your car. You can find out more about our car scratch removal service, or you can call us today on 0800 145 5118 to discuss your needs in more detail today.

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