Are Women Really Poor at Parking or, Simply Sensible?

A survey by the AA has found that 25% of female motorists are not confident when it comes to parallel parking, compared to just 11% of male motorists.


The survey of over 20,000 adults showed that women were also twice as likely as men to change their parking plans at the last minute, due to a lack of confidence or skill in parking their car in a particular space.

Is this a skills gap though, or is it just that men are over-confident when it comes to parallel parking and often try to squeeze into tight spots when it would be more prudent to drive on to the next available (bigger) space?

Our figures suggest this might just be the case, with over 70% of their customers being male!

Tim Harris, Chief Executive comments, “A great proportion of the damage we repair has been caused by parking incidents – low speed bumper scuffs, paintwork scratches and minor dents caused by trying to squeeze into increasingly smaller parking spots or simply misjudging the space available. With over 70% of our customers being male, it would certainly suggest that we are perhaps not as cautious a species as our female counterparts – at least when it comes to parking!”

So ladies – don’t worry about moving on to the next ‘easier’ parking space – you don’t need to show off your parking skills to anyone. If you aren’t confident with squeezing into the smallest of spaces you are actually probably better off and won’t end up needing to call out ChipsAway to repair the damage!

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